between friends
There’s something inherently
optimistic about a fresh new
page, waiting to be written.55
or most of us, January 1 represents
an annual check-up of sorts, a time
when we reevaluate priorities,
set goals, and think through our
intentions for the year ahead. We
make our mental notes and share them with
others. We write them down in journals or
post them on our fridges or our blogs.
And right after that, we clean out a closet.
doubt it’s a coincidence that so much home
organizinggoes on soon after the New Year.
There’s something inherently optimistic about
creating a fresh page, with the old wiped away
and the new waiting to be written. The sorting,
streamlining, and straightening that go into
organizing is a tangible expression of that.
When our home feels under control, life
feels more so, too.
For the second year, our January issue brings
you insight, inspiration, and ideas forgetting
rid of clutter and creating calm and order. We
started with strategies from a true organizing
guru, Donna Smallin, whose seven-step
approach is now posted in my kitchen. We
asked insiders to tell us about the one product
that will change your life—or at least the
clutter part of it. We visited the homes of the
super-organized and peeked inside their
closets and laundry rooms for their secrets.
may never be as organized as these women,
but I can sure use some of their tricks to save
time and make my life easier. In turn, that
makes it easier for me to achieve the bigger,
more meaningful goals I’m reaching for.
Another resolution many of us make on
January 1: to reach and maintain a healthier
weight. If you are one of those, our article
“Lose Weight, Gain Health,”page
is a
great place to start. It kicks off a yearlong
series that guides you to healthy, paced,
lasting weight loss that really can improve
your life and well-being.
Recent changes in the economy have us
all setting some new goals this year, both
personally and financially. What new goal
have you resolved to reach in 2009?
Gayle Goodson Butler,
Editor in Chief
Newsf° r
^ t t e r Homes and Gardens
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